Home Remodeling Tips How to build a narrow entrance?

How to build a narrow entrance?

How to build a narrow entrance?
How to build a narrow entrance

There are plenty of decorating ideas and good tips to create an entrance to a narrow corridor. You will have to choose suitable furniture, opt for integrated storage, bet on a refined decor, bring a little color, but most importantly, assume the dimensions of your entry. 

Our advice

– Choosing adapted furniture

– Opt for integrated storage

– Make the bet of a refined decoration

– Invite the color in the entry

– Assume the dimensions of its entrance 

Choosing adapted furniture

With an entrance in a narrow corridor, everything is a story of good proportions. Flee the large dressers and cabinets and prefer fluid furniture, all in length, which will fit easily and harmoniously into the room. For example, a long bench can be a good parade to provide seating at the entrance without cluttering the space. Similarly, a large mirror hanging on the wall will visually enlarge the space. Think above all about clever furniture!

Opt for built-in storage

Welcome the built-in storage in your narrow entrance with open arms. Closets closed, benches with pedestals, wall niches … All the tricks are good to save space and not eat the few square meters. In this sense, opt for storage height to not hinder the passage and not the ground, which would close the space visually. Also, optimize the entrance door by installing hooks if its opening radius allows. 

Bet on a refined decor

An entrance to a narrow corridor is small enough to overload it with more furniture and decorative items. Instead, opt for a minimum of accessories and purify the area. Feng Chui minimalism has its place at the entrance! Integrated storage goes in this direction. If you can not resist a few decorative touches, make it simple: a nice vase with a bouquet, a small basket, a mirror … And that’s it!

Invite the color in the entry

The color is an effective way to awaken the atmosphere in a narrow entrance and a cramped little one. Several options are available to you:

Paint the door with a bright color.

Paint the ceiling if it is very high.

Paint a single piece of the wall of an unexpected color for a surprise effect from the front door pushed.

Paint all the walls, including the ceiling, to create a warm and deco bubble right from the entrance.

Tip: Choose matte paint to create a felted and sophisticated atmosphere in the lobby. 

Assume the dimensions of your entry

An entry in the corridor is only sometimes a defect that must be hidden at all costs. On the contrary, you can deliberately play with its dimensions to make it a full part, assumed and claimed. For example, if your entry is indeed all length but has a minimum width, why not optimize it by installing an XXL library on an entire wall? Assured style effect! And a rug all along, have you thought about it?


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