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Decorative Birdhouses


Birds have constantly amazed man from the starting point of time with their distinctive ability to fly. They have been a steady source of artistic as well as spiritual muse. Birds have always been cryptograms of peace, liberty, astuteness, or at times, the symbol of power. People have usually included them in their living places. At first, simple holes or inlets shielded birds from predators or unsuitable weather. In time, these have gone forward, and the evolving spectrum has achieved birdhouses and bird castles with stunning architectural and embellishing elements.

There are a few approaches to pulling birds to the garden or balcony, like nourishing them in winter, drinking water, etc. But unfortunately, numerous species require artificially developed nesting sites for the reason that their natural habitats are getting to be poorer.

Have you at any point been supposed to mount a decorative birdhouse at the heart of the greenery in your garden? There are a huge number of outlines to take into consideration! Moreover, awakening to the happy and cheerful chirps of birds is an amazing thing you can feel.

Variety Of Birds

Usually, all birds do not have eggs and rear their kids in nests or houses. Therefore, several birds will nourish the birdhouse. The most well-known backyard birdies that use birdhouses are chickadees, house finch, titmice, indigo bunting, bluebird, and blue jays. However, you can draw in different other species depending upon what sort of habitation you have inside or close to your yard and the kind of birdhouse you build to accommodate them. To begin with, you need to ensure you’re picking a decorative birdhouse that seems appealing to them and does not harm those delicate creatures.

A decorative birdhouse is one of a kind addition to any home, both indoors plus outdoors. Our idea is to decorate your garden, landscape, patio, porch, inside of your house, or any area with our elegant birdhouses. There is a wide assortment of shades and shapes to applying per individual taste within moderate prices.

Our Services For You

We facilitate you with a broad range of functional and decorative birdhouses designed for each species. Our birdhouses are crafted out of high-quality, manufactured, and natural materials.

Indeed, you can discover numerously available on the market for sale; however, ours are built by maintaining the highest quality standards. About styles, we keep elegant, attractive, and natural designs pleasing to the eyes. Our birdhouse styles match the real beauty to enhance the look of your place and give it an exquisite look. You can likewise have painted or unpainted wood as a material that looks novel with a natural style.

Best Addition To Your Place

A fully purposeful birdhouse can be placed or hung anywhere, even on poles, to facilitate the birds and make them non-hesitant to entering their small new house. Each bird type prefers a certain birdhouse location; for example, fields or open areas are ideal for swallows and bluebirds.

Creating a real decorative birdhouse with functionality as a reasonable place for bird nesting can be simple with our help. We prefer to use pest-free and non-chemical wooden material that harms you or your birds. Moreover, we use water-based paint that best spreads over the wood. It would be horrendous to have an incredibly great décor, and design of a birdhouse yet kills or sacrifices the lovely birds just because of the hazardous materials. So, we do not compromise on choosing the best material for our birdhouses.

Dream Home Remodeling Can Be A Reality


Everybody has a desire to one day live in their dream home, and you likely have some dreams of precisely what that flawless home would resemble. On the off chance that you are fortunate, your present property comes genuinely near that perfect, yet we are still far from accomplishing our dream space for the vast majority of us. Now dream home remodeling is possible with us.

Regardless of how close or far you may be from accomplishing your objective of making the ideal place, we can enable you to make that fantasy a reality (or, if nothing else, get you substantially nearer). If an aggregate home makeover is workable for you now, that will prompt a completed item that would have a sensational change in your life. This would be generally similar to having a new home. This would be a noteworthy venture, however, one that would require impressive speculation of time and cash. Before you decide, please let us talk about your plans with you. Frequently, things being what they are, property holders aren’t exactly as far from accomplishing their fantasy space as they may think. You may be astonished at the distinction a few general changes or upgrades can make. We are here for dream home remodeling. Get in touch with us anytime.

Some useful impediments identified with spending plan and space requirements may keep you from doing a full-scale add-up to home redesign. Yet, making an altered or downsized rendition of your optimal vision is frequently conceivable.

If different functional conditions keep you from re-trying your whole house, concentrating on only one room or particular region can enable you to make an in-home withdrawal that fills in as a fantasy space.

Your dream home remodeling can include these:

Redesigns Rooms:

Frequently, it isn’t so much the space itself that doesn’t work for you. It’s how it is, as of now, laid out or set up. Rooms that aren’t utilized to their maximum capacity (or maybe not utilized by any stretch of the imagination) can be given new life after a remodel. This can run the array from minor changes and moves up to maybe notwithstanding moving dividers or consolidating at least two smaller rooms into one huge open space. You may experience difficulty imagining how this present space would look or feel in the wake of being revamped, yet that is where illustrations and PC-based visuals can help. This is one of the best points when going for dream home remodeling.

Kitchen rebuild:

It’s a dependable fact that the kitchen is frequently the core of the home, so re-trying this space can hugely affect how the whole home feels. From a down-to-earth point of view, it can likewise enormously enhance the capacity and effectiveness of the home, which can take out a considerable lot of the burdens and disappointments you may have about attempting to approach an average day-by-day routine in your present space. 

Bathroom Rebuild:

Dream home remodeling can also include a bathroom rebuild. Likewise, with a kitchen makeover, re-trying a restroom can majorly affect how you feel about your home and how it capacities for your family. In addition, this can enable you to make your withdrawal or spa that can fill in as a severely required approach to escape from the day-by-day routine and recoup from the worry of your day.

Your dream home remodeling can include Home Expansion Open air living space.

This is another approach to extending your current home to make a new, isolated space.

On the off chance that your open-air living space incorporates a kitchen or cooking zone, you may understand that you never again want to do the indoor kitchen redesign you were considering. So ping us anytime for dream home remodeling.

Need A New Door


For the most part, individuals need more energy thinking about a new door, and subsequently, they are regularly underestimated. But then again, doors have a life expectancy, and searching for indications of wear is essential. Something else, that old entryway may give more access than it keeps out.

Time To Need A New Door

How would you realize that the time has come to need a new door or the front door? It is currently days that individuals do not utilize their front doors as much as they used to. With carport entries and side doors, most of us only consider entering from the front doors. If you see any of the issues mentioned ahead, it indicates to need.

Drafts signal that you need a new door to be substituted. Furthermore, if you see obvious breaks inside doors, you should not wait one more day to begin searching for a substitution. Another problem is the squeaky hinges. They are not simply irritating, but they are sobbing for help with an indication that you need a new door.

Wear and tear can be adverse, whether it’s your front entryway, back door passage, or yard door. While drafts, in addition to cracks, can increase the power bills, structural harm or distorting can trade off the security of your home. We can assist you if you require replacing an old bolt or a new door. In addition, we can help you find another safe door that matches your home’s elegance.

Introducing a new door is ordinarily something that doesn’t have to happen frequently, making it hard to foresee new door installation costs. But, most importantly, this is regularly a vocation appropriate to an expert to guarantee that it’s legitimately introduced and that you’re getting the correct door for your place. Beyond hiring an expert, a few regular factors will affect the cost of introducing a new door.

As a rule, a standard inside entryway is less expensive than an outside one. However, exterior doors tend to be heftier, making them harder to work with and making the entryway installation higher in price. Additionally, outside doors require proper insulation and edges to ensure that no drafts will traverse and that security is covered.

If you need a new door, supplanting a timeworn door with a fresh one is a better option, and the installation will be lower in this case. However, this implies there is already an opening for the door to be built in and cuts that whole step outside of the project.

This can increase the cost of introducing an entryway from a basic substitution. In case you are putting in place a new door where there was none, at that point, cutting the space for that entryway will bring the door installation cost to the most noteworthy end of the range.

Type of Doors

The sort of door you pick will affect the door installation cost. A typical door will be on the bottom end of the range, but there are large numbers of entryways out there. Several of these are greater than typical doors and will need more structure for the walls to fit. These doors themselves will be expected to be more expensive, as well, as compared to a standard door. In addition, the price to fix a door that needs more specialties or additional space to be cut will be more costly.

Remodeling Foreclosure Home


When purchasing a foreclosure, it is vital to spend the amount it will cost to remodel a foreclosure home with the goal that it turns out to be livable. Therefore, the measure of cash you will spend on remodeling a foreclosure home will reflect the genuine cost of this property.

We are reviewing the most widely recognized issues you should fix in such a home, along with additionally related renovation and costs of remodeling a foreclosure home.

With the economy reeling, foreclosure homes are at an unsurpassed high. A remodeling foreclosure home is unpleasant for many people, yet a clever financial specialist can transform an unfortunate circumstance into a clean profit. Frequently remodeling foreclosure home needs to consider everything; if the proprietors couldn’t make their home payments, they likely were not keeping things in the best form either.

Make potential consumers feel great by remodeling foreclosure homes in step with the remaining area. But, be cautious about spending only a little, or you will flow out your income on a remodeling foreclosure home. A decent and reliable guideline for remodeling a foreclosure home is to put resources into improvements that will include no less than twice their cost to the home’s estimated value.

Amid times of economic reversal, the quantity of homes subject to foreclosure upsurges significantly. Property holders can’t meet their home loan commitments, and banks grab the home as security on the obligation. Frequently displeased mortgage holders surrender the property or cause deliberate harm. To remodel a foreclosure home or recover their asset, banks need to present the property made available for purchase in attractive condition.

Getting A Foreclosed Home

Usually, foreclosure homes require more than restorative touch-ups. Furious homeowners regularly wreck the places on the transit out, demolishing everything, even the kitchen sinks. Moreover, property holders who couldn’t pay their home loans spent on simple maintenance. So it implies that the mechanical and machines of foreclosure homes must be deliberately reviewed before you consider them.

Customers expect the home’s mechanical and electrical frameworks to be fit as a fiddle, and supplanting obsolete frameworks can increase the value of the foreclosure home. In addition, the warming and cooling unit, water warmer, wiring, and pipes should all be in great condition. The purchaser’s home inspection service will discover the issue if they are not.

Getting a foreclosed home is an awesome method to pick up a tremendous deal on a remodeling foreclosure home. But foreclosed homes that have been deserted or disregarded for quite a long time or years frequently accompany secret costs that can transform that deal into a cash pit.

If you are hoping to purchase a foreclosure home, want to live there, and set it up, it is an extraordinary thought if you can discover the correct house. Buying a foreclosed home can be the ideal approach to get an awesome cost on a home, yet it normally accompanies a catch as foreclosed homes are frequently in decay. Generally speaking, a foreclosed home is normally in decay since, similar to the home loan installments, the previous property holder couldn’t stand to stay aware of the repairs on the house. Therefore, remodeling a foreclosure home is a must thing to do so.

Ways Of Remodeling Foreclosure Home

Giving walls a fresh coat of paint with an appealing neutral shade is most attractive, yet keeps in mind what’s underfoot. The old hardwood flooring covered under obsolete cover and overlay is typically worth resurfacing; if you’re supplanting flooring, decide on wall-to-wall covering, a laminate of hardwood, or strong hardwood, contingent upon the area and your financial plan.

While a few spaces may require a finished demo or real redesigns, many can be repaired pleasantly with only a few vital changes. Those progressions can be generally modest and expand the esteem immensely, particularly if you take the necessary steps to remodel a foreclosure home properly.

How do you build a closet organizer?


A closet organizer can help you in using your wardrobe effectively. It would help if you remembered that with the help of a closet organizer, you could use the entire space in your closet. Instead of buying expensive closet organizers in various stores, creating your own is a much better option. When you can create your own, you will be able to do so exactly as per the needs of your closet and the measurements of your closet. This will automatically help you in maximizing efficiency.

We will share with you the exact procedure required to create a closet organizer. You will need some raw materials as well as tools as well.

Things needed:

  • Pre-drilled Panels
  • Cutting tools
  • Marking tools
  • Handheld saw
  • Safety gear
  • Drilling machine
  • Screws

Only once you gather all of these will it become easier for you to start the work.

1. Wire borders:

If you’re planning to add borders to any panel, you have to get the wire basket and cut the borders from it. You can also include the wire basket within the panel to increase the efficiency or utilization of the space.

2. Marking the panels:

After that, you must mark the exact size of the panels you need. With the help of this marking, it will become easier for you to cut the panels.

3. Making the cuts with the help of a handheld saw:

After that, you can use the handheld saw to make the cuts. This will automatically help you create the panels in the size you want.

4. Smoothening the edges:

You have to smoothen the edges; if you want, apply plywood or ceramic on the edges to give it a good and finished look.

5. Attaching the panels:

You have to use the drill machine after to attach the panels. This will ensure that you can create a proper structure from it.

You can use the bolts to attach them.

6. Attaching screw caps:

After that, you must use the screw heads to hide them. Next, you have to press them over the screws. This will ensure that the bolts are no longer visible.

7. Bolting the pieces together:

To create a proper frame, you must bolt the pieces together. This will ensure that you can provide them with structural strength as well.

8. Installation:

You have to after that install it in the closet. Then, when installing it, you must again use the bolts to put them into the closet.

9. Adding the accessories:

After that, you can add whichever accessories you want. For example, you can add wire baskets, or you can add side rails, or you can add other rods which you want to put in your closet. This will ensure that you can get the closet organizer exactly in the space you want. The accessories will be added exactly as per your requirements. Then, you can add the accessories depending on the available space and what you need to use that space for. This will help you efficiently utilize the closet space.

As you can see, it is relatively easy to create a closet organizer. All you need to do is follow the simple procedure; after that, it will become easier for you to create a closet organizer.

How to Choose a Bookcase?


Many people like to read a lot. To accommodate the collection, they often buy a bookcase. It would help if you remembered that these days, bookcases are much more versatile than earlier. Also, the number of options which are available when it comes to buying a bookcase is plenty. This is the reason why you have to select them carefully. You need to keep in mind rather than just looking at the design and the visual appearance of the bookcase; it is important to keep quite a few factors in mind.

Styling of the bookcase:

You need to 1st look at the decor of your home. Once you look at your home’s decor, it will become easier for you to look into the styling of the bookcase as well. It would help if you kept in mind that over the years, there have been plenty of different bookcase options available.

Standard bookcase:

If you’re looking at the standard bookcase, it consists of shelves. This ensures that you can easily accommodate a lot of books quite easily.

Etagere bookcase:

Etagere bookcase is open back. Moreover, the shelves are often made of glass as well. This is the perfect option for you if you’re looking for a more elegant option.

Ladder bookcase:

The ladder bookcase is often leaning against the wall. Also, it is tapering towards the upper side. This ensures that space will be on the lower side at the top.

Corner bookcase:

The corner bookcase is made perpendicularly and according to the room’s shape.

Cube bookcase:

When looking at the cube bookcase these are often divided into horizontal and vertical shapes. They are basically in the shape of a cube.

In addition to these, you can get the bookcase created according to your specifications as well. This will ensure that you can get exactly the size that you prefer.

Size of the bookcase:

It would help if you also kept in mind that the size of the bookcase also matters a lot. You have to look at the height of the bookcase, and you have to decide whether it will be to the ceiling or whether it will end before that. On the other hand, you have to look at the width of the bookcase as well. Once you can look into that, it will become easier for you to choose the right design. Moreover, you have to look into the space between the different shelves. When you look into the space between the different shelves, it will become easier for you to choose the right bookcase.

The functionality of the bookcase:

You need to always keep in mind whether you want to buy a bookcase which is a standard one, or whether you want to buy a bookcase which is much more versatile. The versatile bookcase can also help you in storing showpieces as well as some of the other smaller gadgets as well. This is the reason why you have to look into the type of bookcase which you want to get.

Also, if you need any other additional features like the wheels in the bookcase as well, you have to take that into account as well.

Material of the bookcase:

Again, when buying the bookcase, the material also matters a lot. Some of the material options which you can opt for include:

  • Wood
  • ply board
  • Metal

The look of the bookcase will also change depending on the material you are opting for.

As a result, whenever you’re looking to buy a bookcase, it is important to keep these few factors in mind. Once you can shortlist the bookcase based on these factors, it will automatically become easier for you to pick the right one.

How to Design A Custom Closet?


Custom closet designs can help you in maximizing the space. Moreover, they can also help you accommodate more clothing options and accessories. A wardrobe for any person is a personal space. This is why instead of going for the standard designs, you have to opt for custom closets. Unfortunately, most people need to learn how to organize custom closets. This is why we will share with you how you can efficiently design custom closets.

Anchor space in the center:

The main space for your clothing should always be in the center. You have to determine the size of the space 1st. Once you have determined the size of the space, it will become easier for you to design everything around it. This is the reason why you have to concentrate on the anchor space. It would help if you looked at the clothing options you want to store in the anchor space. Once you can look into those, it will become easier for you to design the entire closet.

Utilizing the entire space:

When designing custom closets, you have to utilize the space from the bottom up to the top. When you can fit in the various storage options in such a manner, it will become easier for you to maximize space utilization as well.

Deep drawers:

The larger the drawers, the better it will be. This is the reason why you always have to include deep drawers. Also, the drawers are pretty multifunctional. This is why instead of wondering why you will need so many drawers, it is better to get them included right from the start. This will automatically help you in creating a closed closet space.

Using the right surface:

You must always consider using the right type of surface for your closet. You can easily opt for any laminate. These will form the look of your closet. Also, the material which you are choosing should be such that it is affordable and also looks good according to the decor of your home. This will determine the entire look of your closet space. This is the reason why you have to choose the design carefully.

Creating shelves:

Instead of creating all closed drawers, you must also create shelves. Shelves are again multifunctional. You will be able to store a lot of things on the shelves. Moreover, you can create removable shelves as well. When creating removable shelves, you can easily create a larger space by removing various channels. Whenever you need small storage space again, you can put the shelves back on. This is one of the main design options to maximize the space. With the help of these design options, you can use the closet space exactly as you need.

The next time around, if you are confused about designing custom closets, follow these 5 tips we have highlighted above. With the help of these 5 tips, it will become much easier for you to design the right closet. Instead of expanding your closet, it is a much better idea to design them efficiently. Once you can design the inner space efficiently, it will be very easy to maximize the closet space. This is the reason why you have to select the design carefully.

How to build a narrow entrance?


There are plenty of decorating ideas and good tips to create an entrance to a narrow corridor. You will have to choose suitable furniture, opt for integrated storage, bet on a refined decor, bring a little color, but most importantly, assume the dimensions of your entry. 

Our advice

– Choosing adapted furniture

– Opt for integrated storage

– Make the bet of a refined decoration

– Invite the color in the entry

– Assume the dimensions of its entrance 

Choosing adapted furniture

With an entrance in a narrow corridor, everything is a story of good proportions. Flee the large dressers and cabinets and prefer fluid furniture, all in length, which will fit easily and harmoniously into the room. For example, a long bench can be a good parade to provide seating at the entrance without cluttering the space. Similarly, a large mirror hanging on the wall will visually enlarge the space. Think above all about clever furniture!

Opt for built-in storage

Welcome the built-in storage in your narrow entrance with open arms. Closets closed, benches with pedestals, wall niches … All the tricks are good to save space and not eat the few square meters. In this sense, opt for storage height to not hinder the passage and not the ground, which would close the space visually. Also, optimize the entrance door by installing hooks if its opening radius allows. 

Bet on a refined decor

An entrance to a narrow corridor is small enough to overload it with more furniture and decorative items. Instead, opt for a minimum of accessories and purify the area. Feng Chui minimalism has its place at the entrance! Integrated storage goes in this direction. If you can not resist a few decorative touches, make it simple: a nice vase with a bouquet, a small basket, a mirror … And that’s it!

Invite the color in the entry

The color is an effective way to awaken the atmosphere in a narrow entrance and a cramped little one. Several options are available to you:

Paint the door with a bright color.

Paint the ceiling if it is very high.

Paint a single piece of the wall of an unexpected color for a surprise effect from the front door pushed.

Paint all the walls, including the ceiling, to create a warm and deco bubble right from the entrance.

Tip: Choose matte paint to create a felted and sophisticated atmosphere in the lobby. 

Assume the dimensions of your entry

An entry in the corridor is only sometimes a defect that must be hidden at all costs. On the contrary, you can deliberately play with its dimensions to make it a full part, assumed and claimed. For example, if your entry is indeed all length but has a minimum width, why not optimize it by installing an XXL library on an entire wall? Assured style effect! And a rug all along, have you thought about it?

How to renovate an old tile?


The old tiles give a lot of character to the interior decoration. But who says old tile says wear: your soil does not deserve a small interview to shine as in its early hours? Never mind, renovating an old tile is within everyone’s reach!

The steps

We evaluate the condition of the tiles, clean the tiles in-depth, put the joints, repairs cracks, revive the colors 

The condition of the tile

Simple stain on the floor or real crack, the work on an old tile require different attention according to their nature. So the inventory of the soil is an essential step! Be sure to list items to refresh: color, joints, tiles, or finishes. Defining the types of operation makes it possible to organize efficiently without being scattered depending on the appropriate tools and the time required to complete the renovation. 

Deep cleaning

Whether damaged or simply stained, old tiles need a little help to regain their youth! For deep cleaning plan:

Marseille soap: It will degrease, whiten, and perfume without attacking the solune soft brush to dislodge dirt or cotton mop to dry the surface of a large bucket

We empty the premises to the maximum to proceed with the cleaning at one time. Even if the dust is not visible, prefer a vacuum. Generous pieces of Marseille soap are then mixed with hot water. Rub the floor with this mixture using the brush. We repeat the operation without soap to rinse; then, we pass the mop. It makes it possible to dry the soil more quickly. 

We’re pampering the joints.

Now that it’s beautiful as a penny, the tiles can be renovated to the smallest detail. If the joints are in bad condition, do not panic, they can be changed without breaking everything. Plan:

A ceramic tile scraper with a mortar jointed with a sponge.

Old joints are removed with the scraper before vacuuming the residues. Then prepare the new ones with a mixture of mortar and water, respecting the doses written on the packaging. The result is a homogeneous paste that we slide around each tile with the trowel. Then smooth the assembly with the squeegee to eliminate the surplus. Once the new joints dry, a sponge to eliminate the overflows, and you’re done! 

Cracks are repaired

An impact on the tiles is not irreversible and can be effectively masked by a coating filling the crack or hole. If the floor is matte, we use an email tube of suitable color: there is a multitude. If the tiles are shiny, the white cement is adequate. It is sufficient to apply a layer of colored varnish after that to obtain good homogeneity.

Brighten up colors

When old, tiles lose their luster, and their color fades. To improve its image, some products are necessary but easily usable:

A mild detergent or white vinegar: With a brush, they eliminate the blackness without attacking the soil. Waterproofing: To apply immediately after using a sponge or a cloth. It protects color and matter from the future hazards of daily wax. In addition, it nourishes the soil and adds shine while reviving colors.

How to build a very small kitchen?


To overcome the lack of space in the kitchen, there is disorder … or tips gain space. Storage height, modular solutions, functional ideas, and smart kitchen furniture … we take stock of the tips and tricks to build a small kitchen … which has everything great! 

Our tips:

– The art of storage for a small kitchen

– Exploit the smallest nooks and crannies of a very small kitchen

– Set up a small kitchen using smart furniture

– A small kitchen, small appliances!

– Small kitchens: playing with colors, light, and materials

The art of storage to create a small kitchen

Reconcile small kitchen and great food: impossible? The great Japanese chefs have proved to us the opposite. Their secret? Mastery of the subtle and delicate art of storage. To start a very small kitchen begins with these few precepts accompanied by an ounce of organization:

The emptiness you will do: sobriety is your master word! Do not be overwhelmed by bulky furniture, useless accessories, and food stocks worthy of a time of war. Instead, to create a very small kitchen, purify, give, sort, sell, désencombrez, evacuate … You breathe immediately better (and not the delicious odors of vegetables baked in the oven) …

You will be ordered everything in its place … and your tiny kitchen will be visually bigger and more practical and functional. 

Exploit the nooks and crannies of a small kitchen

Having a tiny kitchen does not stop you from having great ideas. To maximize the space on the floor while virtually increasing the kitchen, we put on the height (yes, the full height), exploiting every nook and cranny of his kitchen. So, depending on your space, you can:

Install cupboards up to the ceiling: to maximize the use of the worktop.

Opting for open and hanging storage is a practical (and aesthetic) trick to decorating your small kitchen without decorating the floor space.

Multiplying clever storage: wall bars, magnetized credence, sliding baskets, organizers of drawers, and wall storage units push the limits of your very small kitchen.

Decorate skirting boards: a lost space that can house drawers (yes, yes!).

Place shelves above windows or in vacant corners: as you can see, no square meter should escape you …

Set up a small kitchen using smart furniture

Because every square meter counts, we put on functional and clever furniture to develop its very small kitchen. At the forefront of clever kitchen furniture:

The retractable and retractable table: its flap attached to the wall folds and unfolds in the blink of an eye to improvise a dining area in your very small kitchen.

The mobile kitchen island is perfect for cooking alone and/or with your family without saturating your work plan.

The service on wheels: a nice piece of furniture to have everything at hand.

Folding chairs: hang on the wall at the end of the meal.

Tailor-made solutions: advice to those who want to create a small kitchen to the millimeter.

A small kitchen: small appliances!

Cooks use and abuse many subterfuges to gain space in the kitchen. Exit the coffee maker “as at the bar,” which clutters the work plan—small multifunctional appliances and space-saving.

A dishwasher mini version (45 cm wide), refrigerator XS, compact oven, ultra-thin hood, mini-robot kitchen, and pocket blender are all solutions for a small kitchen without clutter.

To make your small appliances even more discreet, you can bet on integrated solutions (built-in refrigerator, built-in oven, etc.) and 2 in 1 (oven and microwave combined, etc.) … Printing unit and space to the key! 

Small kitchens: playing with colors, light, and materials

Bright, bright colors have the power to expand a cramped kitchen visually. Likewise, the neat lighting gives the illusion of a larger kitchen. When square meters are counted in the kitchen, do not hesitate to push the walls … playing with colors, light, and materials.

In terms of colors, we use, and we use light and bright colors to create our very small kitchen. Therefore, light gray, white, and pastel will have the upper hand on dark hues.

Lighting side: we multiply the luminous halos. Wall lights, adjustable spotlights, and suspensions attach to the wall, ceiling, and furniture without cluttering the space.

Side material: we adopt lacquered and/or satin finishes that capture the light and enlarge the space via nice mirror effects.

With these 5 space-saving tips, your tiny kitchen has everything you need.